So i've been sidetracking a little bit during my studies (and am currently paying for it)... Here's the birthday card i drew for my ex-canmate (i.e. we were joined by a washroom!). She's from Mauritius, and she had a pet turtle named Freddie (who was very speedy) there. It just occured to me that perhaps Freddie wasn't one of them massive tortoises from Mauritius i keep envisioning... lol!
And i used to draw nekkid chibis of myself (i swear i'm not a narcissist) all over her stuff, and i'm pretty sure she got pissed at me for it at one point... But hey, i'm sure she misses them by now. Maybe...
the adventures of freddie the turtlePhotoshop CS2
I remember your ex-canmate. We used to talk.
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