Saturday, August 27, 2011

Black out the sun

I've been a huge fan of Darren Hayes since his Savage Garden days and Darren his new music video for Black Out The Sun is gorgeous! I wanted to capture the colour palettes and mood (and didn't even begin to attempt to capture the likeness of Darren...*sigh*). There was a bit of optical flare abuse in the video, so I wanted to include that as well!

Now all the love's gone...
PaintTool SAI 1.01 + Adobe Photoshop CS4

Okay, I swear I will fix my sleep schedule in two days...


a_ndy said...

Darren Hayes still exists? In real life and in your heart? Bahahaha

Joyce said...

How dare you mock my love for Darren Hayes! :P (and yes he is still producing music )

Maew RealSugar said...

Great job! :D I really love how did you choose brushed on this.

Joyce said...

@Maew: Thank you! I had fun with rougher brushwork :)