We started our
Autodesk Maya 3D modeling class last Monday. Now, I was mentally prepared for a steep learning curve. But I've
done a bit of modeling in
Cinema4D before, so I figured, how bad could I be? Well...I was bad. In fact, I was
terrible. We were modeling a simple tea pot using NURBS and I just couldn't get things to work. I
thought I was doing exactly what the prof was doing, but my Maya just didn't feel like producing the same results... (I later learned this was partially due to reversed normals and partially due to the fact that Maya likes to mess with you)
It was honestly one of the roughest days I've had in a long while. The kind where you feel absolutely useless and pathetic. But hey, you pick yourself up after that, right? (And downing a chocolate bar and a can of Pringles seemed to help lol!). I was secretly hoping for some hidden 3D modeling talent that would come through for me. But looks like I'll just have to work my ass off to get through this course! >:
But anyway, I present to you my very first Maya models. Yes, I know they are incredibly noobish with awkward areas of geometry and horrible materials - but we all have to start somewhere right...?!
In class assignment: The %#$@-ing tea pot:
Homework: Kidneys (modeled on top of an image provided in class) that took way longer than it should've for a normal human being 8D:
Here are a couple of screenshots of working in Maya 2011:
These were mostly done with a combination of pushing/pulling NURBS primitives with a lot of CV curve + extrude + loft + isoparm-ing.
Tomorrow morning: Maya round two. Polygon modeling.